TITP Program – Past, Reality, Rumors and Reliable info

We shared several posts about TITP program which is a Technical Intern Training Program, which is an opportunity for blue collar workers across the world to join Japan Labor force. In this post, we would like to share the thoughts/information available out there and how is the perception of it. We are sharing
- A mix or positive thought towards it
- An extreme information for it
- IndoJapanPulse opinion on it
In the end we point out the right resources one should look at for availing this program.
1. A mix or positive information related to Program (recent)
A blogger (Aastha Sahni) shares her experience in video below. Explores the common perception from her point of view and talks about the positive aspect of it and improvements done recently. She also shares her personal experience with the language school associated. (June 2019)
2. A critic or extreme information available on the topic (Oct 2018)
Another blogger (Rom Rom ji) from Osaka explored the reality behind it. He covers the extreme things which have happened in the past with workers from other countries. The same has been communicated by critics of this program and opposition parties in Japan. (Oct, 2018)
3. IndoJapanPulse Opinion on the Topic
- We want to bring both pros and cons on this topic so that you make an informed decision. When people started coming here 2 decades back there was very less information available on any sector. We see this our responsibility to share this info with fellow countrymen before you come here, specially this physical labor intensive sectors.
- We see this as a good and new opportunity for Indians across the world. We still this as a good program, provided the workers are treated well. The aim of sharing above information is to bring in your awareness what has happened in the past and criticism around this program. Since there has been extreme cases also in the past what we want to emphasise is that, the kind of cases must be understood before you commit for this program.
- Also we see instances people claiming 100% job guarantee and promising salaries without explaining the cost of living in Japan.
We appeal to the Sending organization to meet and come up with a common criteria so that it becomes easier for students to approach them without any doubts in the their minds. They should not only just talk about the rosy side, but also enable them and prepare them for the environment they will work here in. - But at the same time, we want to bring into your notice, after that lot of amendments have been done during the recent months under PM Mr. Abe. Also new kinds of Visa also have been introduced. There has been not a single such incident of an Indian brought into our notice. There has been even inputs by UN on this.
- Governments are trying to make this program workable by giving information, it’s becoming bit hazy with non-uniform information from people in between. So please take steps cautiously.
One important point, in case, if stuck on the wrong side of this program, that please reach out to people around you or this platform also in case something wrong is happening in this. We hope this never happens.
Right information to help you take right decision.
Official Certified List of Sending Organization (Updated – 25/6/2019)
For more official information on this topic:
What is TITP Program ?
Refer our last important Key points in the past:
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