We are witnessing the best time for Indian Community (32 thousand+) in Japan and it`s worth documenting
the story, Indians are writing in this far east, of India. Indians in Japan are ever increasing with so many
great services, amazing activities, events are available for all.
But with the increase in activities, services, events, the information handling is becoming complex.
Also, great achievements, information on events, services, activities are not
being available to all. Even if available, being shared in silos (unintentionally)
do not allow all, to take benefit of it.
“Indo Japan Pulse” started from the realization of such needs and it`s an earnest attempt to make it as “Our Single platform”,
to document share latest information about Indian Community in Japan
more transparent and available for all, irrespective of place and time.
It covers information related to Japan-Indian community`s “Work, Life and Beyond”.
It strives to cover basic emergency related information for friends who are new to Japan
to advanced topics important to veterans in Japan.
There is already so much of experience generated by Indians already living here from few decades now.
This platform endeavors to cover the stories of people in Japan who can contribute their experiences back
to the community and some of them area already making a difference for the community in some way or the other.
It also brings forward the trends in Japan in context of Indian Community,
which ultimately results in the betterment of Work/Life of members here and may
inspire our fellow countrymen to head east.
IndoJapanPulse thinks that more the sharing of the lesson learned by members living in Japan,
easier it would be for the members coming hereafter or already here.
So please feel free to use and share information on this platform.
An initiative of Emerging Tech Japan