リラックスヨーガ Relaxation Yoga (Paid Session, Kasai)
Please head to this link for details: https://indojapanpulse.com/2018/11/828 Don`t miss on other events and check...
Please head to this link for details: https://indojapanpulse.com/2018/11/828 Don`t miss on other events and check...
Google Map link: https://goo.gl/maps/1v8xTSFhWZq Link (Japanese) https://www.city.edogawa.tokyo.jp/eventcalendar/bunkagejutsu/301117shinkawasakura.html Booking to be done on this phone...
Most awaited and already a hit Marathi movie releasing on 2nd Dec in Myoden Aeon...
ICAI Japan Chapter mission “to give back to society”, we are organizing our First Seminar...