These 13 things to impact you by 10 Day holiday (April 27th-May 6th)

- 10-day Golden Week holiday (from April 27th to May 6th) to celebrate the abdication of the current emperor and the accession of his successor.
- This marks the end of the Heisei period and the accession of his successor, Crown Prince Naruhito.
13 things that might impact you !
- Local neighborhood shops and restaurants are expected to close for the entire period, while major supermarket chains will be closed on some days and will operate on shortened or full hours on other days.
- Convenience stores, the workhorses of Japan, will be open 24-7 as usual.
- Public schools will have the entire 10-day period off.
- 30 percent of local medical associations responded that they were unclear or undecided as to how they plan to advise their member medical professionals to deal with patient needs during the extended holiday
- You can expect commuter trains to business districts to be relatively empty.
- airports, roads, and public transportation to tourist destinations are expected to be packed, especially during the first and last few days of Golden Week
- Local governments will also ask local businesses that handle the disposal of large household appliances to not suspend operations for longer than three days
- Suginami, Setagaya, and Taito Wards will be collecting garbage and running garbage processing facilities as usual.
- The government plans to offer subsidies to nursery schools to enable them to deal with the expected increase in demand for nursery care services from parents who will be working during the extended holiday. Nursery schools which offer temporary “drop-off” services are expected to see a surge in demand.
- The Japan Post bank and other banks will be operating on holiday schedule during the 10-day holiday.
- Japan’s stock markets will be closed for the entire 10-day Golden Week. Trades will not be executed throughout the holiday
- Local governments are also being urged to make sure that electricity, gas, and water supply are maintained at stable levels.
- Expect some delays in package delivery during the long holiday
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