What is Obon, when are Obon holidays in Japan & what to expect

What is Obon?
The Obon (お盆) or Bon festival, which usually takes place between August 13th and 16th, is an annual Japanese holiday commemorating deceased ancestors.
On the first day of Obon, people take paper lanterns to the graves of their ancestors to call their spirits back home to visit. On the last day, they guide them back to their graves, again with chochin.
The Obon estival is also celebrated with Bon Odori (Dances), which take place in temples and parks throughout the country. Though Obon is a holiday commemorating the dead, Obon festivals are quite loud and lively and are a highlight of the summer season. People sport light cotton kimono and gather for food, beer, and much public merriment at their local park or temple, all to the sounds of thundering taiko drums and festive dancing. Everyone is welcome to join!
Obon is traditionally observed from the 13th to the 15th day of the “seventh month” of the year, which is July in the solar calendar but August in the lunar calendar. That’s why Obon is celebrated at different times, depending on which calendar is used to mark the festival locally.
When is Obon this year?
This year, Obon is being celebrated from Tuesday, August 13th to Friday, August 16th. However, because Mountain Day, a national holiday unrelated to Obon, falls on a Sunday this year, the following Monday (August 12) will be the actual day of observance.
This means that many people in Tokyo and around Japan will get a nine-day holiday, starting from Saturday, August 10th to Sunday, August 18th.
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