Population of Foreigners in Tokyo (Latest)

The population of Foreigners in Tokyo (as of 2019/10)
as above
Countries from left to right (China, South Korea, Vietnam, Philippine, Nepal, Taiwan, US, India, Myanmar, Thailand)
Please take note this is in the Tokyo area only. The overall population of Indians in Japan is posted separately. Please feel free to search on this curated premium portal.
The population of Indians across main parts of Tokyo (Major stats as of 2019/1)
Update for more info (1/31)
2019/1 – 4,148
2019/10 – 4,809
2020 – 5,035
Main Wards from left to right
(Edogawa-Ku, Koto-Ku, Taito-Ku, Minato-Ku, Setagaya-Ku, Shinagawa-Ku…..)
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