Coronavirus Consultation Numbers for Edogawa-Ku

Coronavirus Consultation Numbers for Edogawa-Ku In case you have a feeling of uneasiness, anxiety about the whole situation.
Moreover, If you have come in contact of infectious person and you can see symptoms of fever 37.5 and above for 4 days (2 days for elders, people with chronic diseases and pregnant women) and you are feeling anxious where to contact, please use following consultation numbers.
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare telephone counseling service counter (call center)
Telephone: 0120-565653
- A weekday: A holiday (is included on Sunday on Saturday) from 9:00 to 21:00.
Tokyo telephone counseling service counter (call center)
Telephone: 03-5320-4509
- A weekday: A holiday (is included on Sunday on Saturday) from 9:00 to 21:00.
Edogawa Public Health CenterHealth Control Section infectious disease measure Subsection
Telephone: 03-5661-2475
- A weekday: From 8:30 to 17:15.
– Be mindful for giving them a call.
– Even though the above number is available for person who are having a feeling of anxiety about the whole situation, Please do not spam them with non-serious topics.
– Call them really when you have been either in touch with some infectious person or have strong symptoms as prescribed by the authorities.
– It might be very busy connection already, so be patient while approaching the above numbers .
Source: Edogawa-Ku website
When to do what ?
NHK shared the new approach by government today
Of the 851 cases confirmed as of 11 am Tuesday, 146 are either tourists from China or people who caught the virus in Japan. 691 are passengers or crewmembers of the Diamond Princess. The remaining 14 are people who were evacuated from the Chinese city of Wuhan on government-chartered planes
On Tuesday, the government released basic guidelines on how to avoid infection, calling on people to work from home if they have a fever or exhibit cold symptoms. The guidelines also call on organizers to consider cancelling or postponing events, though this is not mandatory.
Currently, when a new case emerges, the authorities attempt to identify the route of transmission, monitoring people who had come into close contact with the patient. But the new guidelines say that if the number of cases continues to rise, the government will shift its focus on keeping people indoors.
In the guidelines, the government says that the virus has been largely passed on through “spray or contact” and that airborne transmission was unlikely. However, it adds that the risk of spread remains. And, while the mortality rate of the virus is not as high as other infectious diseases, it does pose a higher health risk than seasonal influenza.
Source NHK
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