4 Promising medicines being researched in Japan for Covid 19

Dr. Shotoku Matsuyama was the first researcher in Japan who started the research on covid19. He and his team tested 1200 types of medicines used for various other diseases and tested on how it reacts on covid19 virus.
They found some promising results for 4 medicines. One of them was Alvesco which was actually medicine for Aasthma. Clinical trials are under process. Recently a man in 70s showed improvement using Alvesco. The inflammation in the lungs showed clear improvement when checked in CT scan. Official results by April beginning. Results will be analyzed and if fine, approval process might take its time too. All other details needs to be seen in coming announcements. Other 3 medicines along with Alvesco is as follows:
1. Alvesco – Asthama – Japanese Association of Infectious Diseases starts to examine efficacy based on report from medical institution.
2. Avigan – Novel Influenza A (H1N1) Virus infection – Clinical studies on patients started in Japan. China plans to include in their treatment regimen.
3. Keletra – HIV – Administered by national Centre of global health and medicine and other institutes
4. Remdesivir – Ebola – Clinical studies scheduled in Japan.
As of now this will not be available over the counter and only authorities plan to prescribe under thorough test and examination.
Source: NHK
Disclaimer : The above medicines info is being shared for just awareness on innovation and research being conducted in Japan. We do not intent anyone to start buying or consuming those. Any medicine needs to be taken under the strict guidance of your doctor only.
As of today on 29th March’ 2020, government authorities have following stance on Covid19 in Japan
1. Wave 1 outbreak which started from Wuhan was controlled properly and contained.
2. We are in Wave 2, where lot of Japanese have come back from west back to home and also foreign visitors in Japan is adding to the numbers. The wave 2 numbers are bigger and if the traceability of clusters decreases, there can be “Overshoot” like in US, Italy and Iran. Japan can also witness a lockdown like many other countries.
3. Hence Japan is strictly monitoring numbers and have advised to avoid crowded places, places with bad ventilation and places of close proximity communication. These are the core 3 measures along with avoiding gathering in groups. Japan government feels they can contain the second wave too by following strict guidelines and if required take extreme measure to contain it.
4. Stay tuned to future announcements. Please do not get carried away by Whatsapp messages who have already declared Japan as crossed the peak which are false claims.
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