Students with Ambition to Pursue Medical Studies in Japan

An informative article by a Parent & English Language Instructor, Seetha Sastry
For those aspiring to study Medicine in Japan, here’s a quick summary of the seminar I attended at the IUHW School of Medicine on 26th May 2024. I think I covered most of the important points, and hopefully, you find this useful. Please check the website for further information.
Program Overview
This program is a six-year course. The first three years are in English, and the last three years are in Japanese. The reason for the switch is that in the last three years, students do clinical clerkships in Japan, and in the final year, they get international clinical training. There are two big exams: one at the end of the third year (in Japanese), and the other at the end of the sixth year. For Japanese language proficiency, students can start with zero knowledge of Japanese. They’ll have language classes, and by the end of the third year, the level is required to be at N3, moving up to N2 after that. The academic year kicks off in April, so results need to be out by the end of March. Otherwise, students will have to wait for the next academic year to start.
Key Points to Note
Entrance Exam
The entrance exam is all multiple-choice questions (MCQs):
- English: 200 points
- Any two science subjects (Physics, Chemistry, or Biology): 200 points
- Mathematics: 200 points
- Essay on social issues
The second phase is an interview, with questions like “Why IUHW?”, “Why you?”, and “What are your future goals?”
Special Selection for International Students
- Eligibility: Do really well in the entrance exams.
- Conditions: Must work for six years as a physician at an IUHW-affiliated medical institution after getting a medical license.
- Benefits: 50% off entrance fee and 50% off tuition and fees for six years.
General Scholarship
- Total Amount: 14 million yen for six years.
- Breakdown:
- First year: 3-million-yen tuition, 2.5-million-yen scholarship.
- Second year onward: 2.3 million yen annually.
- Additional benefits are also included. (Please check the website)
Criteria for Applying
- International students without Japanese nationality or permanent residency.
- Must have completed 12 years of education abroad.
- Must get a student visa for enrollment.
- Must have an English proficiency test score (TOEFL: 80 or IELTS: 6.0).
Returnees and Graduates of Foreign Schools
Japanese nationals or permanent residents qualify if they meet these criteria:
- Attended school abroad for at least four years, including the final year.
- Enrolled in a university or graduate school abroad for at least two years and finished the program.
- Lived abroad for more than six years.
- Attended an international school for at least two years, including the final year.
- Hold an International Baccalaureate and meet the criteria.
Exam Dates
Round 1:
- 1st phase: September 3, 2024
- 2nd phase: September 14, 2024
Round 2:
- 1st phase: November 23, 2024
- 2nd phase: December 7, 2024
That’s about it! Best wishes and good luck to all the aspiring students.