More ways for preparing for typhoon

Things to have on hand for a typhoon:
①Four-day supply of food and water (bottled water, canned food, and other non-perishable items)
②Duct tape, hammer, and nails for quick repairs
③Blankets, tarps, plastic, and heavy cardboard to cover broken windows
④Mops and towels to absorb water leaks
⑤Flashlights with extra batteries, candles, matches and a waterproof lighter (NOTE: DO NOT LEAVE OPEN FLAMES UNATTENDED)
⑥Battery-operated portable radio and extra batteries
⑦Pet food
⑧Charcoal/propane – in extended power loss, you may have to barbecue the contents of your freezer
⑨Medications/First aid kit Canned fuel (Sterno) Children’s supplies: diapers and formula
⑩Some cash, Yen.
Websites to keep tap on for emergency!
Here are some of the websites that you can check about the emergency info in multi-language as well as how to prepare for the typhoon.
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②Japan Tourism Agency’s multi-language disaster app
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③Warning alert on Typhoon Hagibis (Typhoon No. 19)
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④Multilingual Information on Disaster Mitigation
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