What sports are Indians participating in and around Tokyo : Marathon

Japan is known as the land of the rising sun also known as “The land of runners”
Running is regularly enjoyed by millions of people because it’s both good for you and accessible. Running may seem so simple that preparing to start a running routine may sound silly. But learning more about proper running form, how running can help you reach your health goals, how to stay well while running, and more can go a long way in helping you get the most of your new habit.
Thus running in its best approach has been widely adopted by Japan. Be it shoes, clothing, places and most important is participating in Marathon. There are many marathon events conducted all over Japan.
Reference: https://marathons.ahotu.com/calendar/marathon/japan
With the Tokyo marathon taking place in Japan, the eyes of the world’s running community cast to the land of the rising sun, and the same question as always asked: what makes the Japanese such incredible long distance runners, especially on home soil?
Looking historically, the answer soon becomes clear as to why running is the unofficial sport of Japan. It starts with the importance of the “Ekiden” – long distance relay-style races that are held in many Japanese towns, especially those with a university. Started over a century ago, they are prestigious events that Japanese children grow up watching, with the runners held up as local celebrities and the children, literally, aiming to follow in their footsteps. The Ekiden have been run since the early twentieth century – long before the popularity of “marathon” running took off globally in the 1960s. The biggest of all these races is Hakone Ekiden: one of the nation’s biggest sporting events that is fought out between teams from Japan’s major universities. And they run fast, with the many of the times of these students on par with those of professional half-marathon winners around the world.
How come Indians at Japan stay behind, Indians are equally enthusiastic to participate various marathons. There are many active clubs/groups formed to run together, practice and participate various marathon events.
Desi Runners of Tokyo (DRT) :
Desi Runners of Tokyo (DRT) is one of such active group, where members of this groups on regular basis participate various marathon events. Many are really good in pace and stamina and have participated many marathons including Tokyo Marathon, which is most prestigious one in Japan.
There few more groups like Balagokulum which organizes yearly marathon event mainly to motivate children however together with parents and family everyone enjoys it.
The majority of people who run casually do it for the physical, social, and mental benefits it brings. It also has a “low bar of entry”—you don’t need any fancy equipment, it’s relatively inexpensive, and you can do it almost anywhere. It’s also an activity that spans ages; it’s never too late to start running, as many people who have taken up the sport do so in their 50s, 60s, and even 70s.
Here are some of the many other reasons why people choose running:
- It’s one of the most efficient ways to achieve aerobic fitness.
- Running burns a lot of calories and is a smart strategy for weight loss.
- It’s an excellent stress reliever.
- You can run by yourself for some peace and alone time, or with others for social interaction.
- You release endorphins when running and (sometimes) experience a runner’s high.
- You achieve better overall health with improvements such as higher lung capacity, increased metabolism, lower total cholesterol levels, increased energy, and decreased risk of osteoporosis.
However it`s advisable that you run with care.
You can use various apps and devices to track and measure your progress
8 Running Apps for Marathoners, Skeptics and Everyone in Between
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