How to Use an Air Conditioner in Japan?

Temperature is already raising in Japan, soon becoming hot and humid. Air Conditioners are most important to keep cool around you. In the below article IndoJapanPulse sharing information on
How to Use an Air Conditioner in Japan – Functions, Tips and Repairs
- Use the dehumidifying function [除湿 / じょしつ / joshitu] during the rainy season and cooling function [冷房 / れいぼう / reibou] during the summer.
- FAN MODE is useful when returning home on a hot day. Open windows and press [送風 / そうふう / soufuu] to let out hot air, then press [冷房 / れいぼう / reibou].
- Pair your air conditioner with a fan to distribute cool air throughout the room and reduce energy consumption.
The filter of air conditioner units should be cleaned every 3 months. Newer models tend to be self-cleaning and this function can be activated by using the remote.
Nevertheless, it is best to manually clean the unit to prevent the buildup of mold, dust, and bacteria. In particular, if you notice an unusual smell coming from your unit, do not hesitate to clean your air conditioner or to contact a repairman as this smell can indicate a buildup of mold.
If your unit is still under warranty, contact the manufacturer directly as repairs may be covered by the warranty.
Dakin 0120-330-696
Call 24 hrs, 7 days a week.
Mitsubishi 0120-139-365
Monday – Friday 9:00 – 19:00; Sat. Sun. & National Holidays: 9:00 – 17:00.
Panasonic 0120-878-554
Monday – Friday 9:00 – 19:00; Sat. Sun. & National holidays: 9:00 – 17:30.
Sharp 0120-02-4649
Monday – Saturday 9:00 – 20:00; Sunday & National Holidays: 9:00 – 17:00.
For more details refer below:
Source courtesy: Best Living Japan
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