
ALERT!! インドの偽電子ビザを提供するウェブサイトにご注意ください
電子ビザ及び到着ビザプログラムは、インド政府の公式ウェブサイト(https://indianvisaonline.gov.in/) からのみ申請可能であることをご了承ください。
1. www.evistoindia.org.in
2. www.evisaindia.com
3. www.indiaanevisaservice.org
4. www.indianimmigration.org
5. www.evisaindia.org.in
6. www.indiaonlineevisas.org.in
7. www.indiaevisa.org
ALERT!! Beware of fake websites offering Indian e-visa
Kindly note that e-Visa and Visa-On-Arrival facility to India is only available on the following Government of India website: www.indianvisaonline.gov.in
It has been brought to our notice that many fake e-visa websites are in operation. Such fake websites misguide foreign nationals and also in some cases dupe them of their money etc. Therefore it is requested that e-visa applicants should not fall prey to these websites. The list of some of the reported fake e-visa websites is as follows:
1 www.evistoindia.org.in
2 www.evisaindia.com
3. www.indiaanevisaservice.org
4. www.indianimmigration.org
5. www.evisaindia.org.in
6. www.indiaonlineevisas.org.in
7. www.indiaevisa.org
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